March 3, 2025
@ 11:59 PM
We will be unable to make exceptions to this deadline.
Registration opens on February 3, 2025

The purpose of this competition is to recognize and reward excellence in performance and to encourage continued musical growth.
Competition at a glance
Opens: February 3, 2025
Closes: March 3, 2025 (11:59 PM)
There will be no exceptions granted for this deadline.
Competition Dates
Friday, March 28th
Saturday, March 29th
Auditions to be held at Aubrey Rogers High School
Senior Prizes
1st: $750
2nd: $600
3rd: $500
Honorable Mention: $200
Junior Prizes
1st: $500
2nd: $400
3rd: $300
Honorable Mention: $100
Competition Registration
Registration opens on February 3rd.
The HeartOut Invitation Code is MFGN25
Senior & Junior Divisions:
Senior Division = Grades 9-12
Junior Division = Grades 6-8
Registration Fee: $35
A confirmation will be emailed to you when your registration is completed
NOTE: Your registration is not complete until fee has been submitted. There are no refunds after a registration is submitted.
Registration Deadline: No exceptions will be made if you miss the deadline on March 3rd at 11:59 PM
Competition Dates & Location:
Friday, March 28th & Saturday, March 29th
Auditions will be held at Aubrey Rogers High School
A detailed schedule for auditions will be made available shortly after registration closes on March 3rd.
Questions? Reachout to the following:
HeartOut Application: Lorraine Wistrom, l.wistrom@comcast.net
All other questions: Cathy Pflieger: fleafam88@gmail.com
Elibility & Categories
WHO IS ELIGIBLE: Students in grades 6 thru 12 who reside in Collier County, Bonita Springs and Estero, and will be based on the students' home address. Fort Myers addresses are not eligible. Students will compete based on the grade enrolled in September 2024. Divisions are Junior Division for grades 6-8 and Senior Division for grades 9-12.
CATEGORIES: Brass, Flute, Single Reeds, Double Reeds, Piano, Percussion, Voice, Strings, Harp and Guitar. You may only enter one category.
Competition categories will be determined once the applications have been processed. (ie: a small number of entrants in one category may result in one combined category.)
PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR INSTRUMENTALISTS: You must play two pieces of contrasting styles from different time periods: Baroque (1600-1750), Classical (1750-1830), Romantic (1815-1910), Modern (1900-present). See below for additional details.
Memorization is NOT required.
Cuts are allowed and must be clearly marked in the judges scores
Auditions must be on one instrument only (i.e.,: no flute/piccolo, oboe/English horn, etc.)
Saxophone Only: Exempt from 2 contrasting time periods. Instead: 1 lyrical/1 technical, (Due to the lack of repertoire);
Baroque/Classical transcriptions are encouraged at the teacher’s discretion
Memorization is NOT required.
Cuts are allowed. (Cuts must be clearly marked in the judges scores.)
ALL percussion auditions must include a mallet selection.
2nd selection should be Tympani or Concert Snare drum. Marching snare drum solos are not permitted.
Exempt from 2 contrasting time periods (Due to the lack of repertoire)
Baroque/Classical transcriptions are encouraged at the teacher’s discretion
Junior Applicants
Perform two memorized vocal solos with piano accompaniment.
One (or more) of the selections must be in a foreign language from the Art song, Operetta, or Opera repertoire.
Selections in English should be classical in nature from the Art song, Folksong, Spiritual, or legitimate Broadway repertoire.
Popular contemporary repertoire will be disqualified. If you have any questions regarding if a selection qualifies, email Cathy Pflieger at fleafam88@gmail.com.
Musical cuts/editing not allowed.
Senior Applicants
Perform two memorized classical vocal solos with piano accompaniment.
One (or more) of the selections must be in a foreign language.
Repertoire may be from the Art song, Opera, Operetta, Folksong or Spiritual genre.
Selections must be from contrasting musical time periods.
Broadway/Musical Theater repertoire is not permitted.
Musical cuts/editing is not allowed.
All Competitors

(Timing begins when the student starts to play/ sing.)
SENIOR DIVISION: not to exceed 15 minutes.
JUNIOR DIVISION: not to exceed 10 minutes.
Accompaniment is required unless it is an unaccompanied solo.
New 2025-Accompanists RULES - For auditions only-Students will be allowed to use accompaniment track recordings. Track recordings are only to be the accompaniment. You will be required to bring your own technical device, such as a Bluetooth speaker, and all necessary extension cords, etc. The school will not be responsible for providing any electronic equipment.
Live accompanists-If you choose to go this route, it will be your responsibility to provide your own accompanist. You may use any accompanist that you prefer. The accompanist does not have to be from this list below. Be aware that accompanists vary in regards to how much they charge per rehearsal. If you are selected to play at the Winners Recital - The Music Foundation will pay for your accompanist for the Recital only. The accompanists below have agreed to be available for both the audition dates and recital. They are all very accomplished accompanists. We highly encourage you to contact them if needed.
Dr. Asia Brutian Grant (515) 505-4546 grantpianostudio@gmail.com
Jodie Desalvo (239) 293-2370 jodiedesalvo@gmail.com
Kelly Utterback (269) 370-0985 kellyjutterback@gmail.com
Competitors must provide one ORIGINAL (or can be from for ex. IMSLP, Petrucci Library), and 3 copies of the pieces for the adjudicators. Bring your music the day of competition. Do not submit electronically.
All measures must be numbered.
Cuts must be clearly indicated on each score. (Instrumentalists only)
There is to be no initiation of conversation with the judges at any time during the audition process.
ATTIRE: concert/recital attire.
Ladies: skirts/dresses (length: below the knee) or dress slacks. Appropriate top. Appropriate shoes, no flip flops.
Gentlemen: dress slacks, dress shirt. Tie and jacket are optional. Appropriate shoes, no flip flops.
Winner's Recital
April 23, 2025

WINNERS' RECITAL “First place winners” may be invited and are expected to perform on Wednesday, April 23, 2025. (Select ONE piece from the competition audition repertoire, to be performed EXACTLY the same in regards to cuts in the music.) Second and third place winners will not perform but are expected to be present as all scholarship checks and certificates will be given at the end of the recital.
Hammes Award
Seniors (12th grade) Only
If you are a senior and you receive a 1st place award, you are eligible to apply for the Hammes Award ($3,000.00). Senior 2nd place awards may also be eligible at the discretion of the Music Foundation Competition Committee.
The Hammes Musician Scholar Award was established in 1995 by Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Turiel in memory of their son, Daniel, who was a clarinetist, composer and conductor. This award is now generously funded by Gordon and Judy Hammes.
The Hammes Award is presented to one senior (12th grade) based on musical and scholastic achievements, a personal essay, an interview, and the performance at the Winners' Recital.
The purpose of this award is to encourage the recipient in the serious study of music. Possible uses of the award include tuition for a music summer camp, private lessons, or purchase of a new instrument.
This award is intended for candidates who pursue a career in music or for whom music will be a serious avocation.
Any senior who wins first place in their instrument category is welcome to apply for the Hammes Award. If there are exceptional 2nd place senior candidates, the Music Foundation Competition Committee, at their discretion, may invite these seniors to participate.
Those Seniors that qualify for this award will be notified at the end of the Competition Auditions for further instructions in regards to the application process.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact:
Cathy Pflieger at fleafam88@gmail.com or (239) 450-4035
Conflict Policy
If you have a major conflict with the March 28-29th competition dates, you MUST request approval to make a HeartOut video submission. A written request must be submitted 2 weeks prior to the March 3rd application deadline (NOTE: this means by February 17, 2025). Each request will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and the MFGN, in its sole discretion, will determine if you are eligible. HeartOut video submissions will be due Thursday, March 27th at 11:59pm.
Send your request for a video audition by email to Cathy Pflieger at fleafam88@gmail.com.​
The video needs to be recorded through the HeartOut App NOT the website. You will only have 1 take to record your performance which is the same as if you were performing live in front of the judges. Doing your own ‘practice’ video before you do the final video on the app may be a good idea. You are responsible for arranging a time with your accompanist before the deadline to do your video performance and submit it through the HeartOut app. As stated in the Rules/Regulations you are also allowed to use a track accompaniment if not using a live accompanist
As always, let us know if you have any questions. Good Luck in your performance!
Find your audition codes on the HeartOut WEBSITE (where you registered). You will need 2 codes to submit a video audition:
Invitation Code (same as the registration): MFGN25
ID Number (unique to your audition): To find your ID number, go to HeartOut.io and Login with the same credentials you used to register. Click Open on the event in your Contestant panel. Under your registration info you will see your ID number - a unique code specific to your registration.
Auditioning on the HeartOut APP
Download the HeartOut app on any phone (IOS or Android), login with the account you created on the website, click on "New Audition", and use the Invitation Code (MFGN25) and the ID number (unique to your registration) while you follow the instructions in the Tutorial Video below to record and submit an audition on the HeartOut app.
VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS: Click here to watch a short video tutorial - How to Audition on the HeartOut app
RECORDING TEST: Type your codes in the app and click on the pending audition created. On your audition page, you will be able to "Try a Recording Test" to check your positioning in the frame, the distance from the device for best audio clarity, and more. You can do as many recording tests as you want; they do not get saved.
RECORDING YOUR AUDITION: You will have to perform your repertoire in one take just like you would in a live setting - once you click on "New audition" and start recording you have to perform pieces back to back in the same recording. You will only have 1 opportunity to record your audition - 1 TAKE just as you would in a live setting.
IMPORTANT! Auditions on the HeartOut app are recorded under the same conditions as a live performance - no option to pause the recording or edit the audition video. Simply start recording and play your HeartOut!
If you have any questions about the HeartOut platform, feel free to reach out to our tech support team at HeartOut.io/support or CLICK HERE for important tips about recording your audition on the HeartOut app.
Technical Questions? Please reach out to
Lorraine Wistrom
MFGN Scholarship Competition