Learning from Elementary to Advanced Piano
To enable gifted and motivated students ages 8 to 14 from families with limited resources to achieve the intellectual and social benefits of learning to play the piano.
This program is made possible through the generosity of Anne & John Roberts and Myra & Van Williams, longtime MFGN supporters.
About the LEAP Program
The LEAP (Learning from Elementary to Advanced Piano) Award is for Collier County, Bonita Springs, and Estero students to study piano for one year with a private teacher selected by the Music Foundation of Greater Naples. The award may be renewed one year at a time for up to two additional years based on the LEAP Committee's assessment of the student's progress and the recommendation of his or her private teacher.
The Award is intended for students ages 8 thru 14 whose families cannot afford private music lessons. Income thresholds established by the Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (FDACS - see below for income eligibility levels) will be used to determine eligibility. Parents must provide a copy of the first 2 pages of your most recent income tax return. You are welcome to redact Social Security numbers and other personal identifiable information prior to submitting your tax return.
Students must submit a recommendation and a personal essay stating why music is important to them, and how this award will be beneficial to the student.
The LEAP Committee will select applicants to be interviewed and to be given the opportunity to display their musical talent. Our expectations are that five to ten awards per year will be made depending upon the number of highly qualified applicants. Selection of music teachers and scheduling of lessons will be determined by the LEAP Scholarship Committee.
Winners of the LEAP Award will be notified by phone and/or letter. Parents must agree that (1) they will take proper care of their keyboard, (2) arrange weekly transportation to and from lessons for the child, and (3) provide a quiet time for the student to practice daily.

Completed application online - see below.
Letter of recommendation from either a school music teacher, professional musician, or minister of music - in PDF format to upload below.
Student personal essay in PDF format to upload below. The essay should address why is having music in my life important, and how will this award be beneficial to you.`
A copy of the Students grades from the most recently completed school year.
If the student has prior piano experience or lessons, be prepared to perform a short selection no more than 3 minutes in length. Applicants must provide one original score and two evaluation copies of their music and the evaluation copies will be returned or destroyed by the Music Foundation.
If the student has no prior piano experience, then an interview will be required.
There will be no registration fee for this award competition.
The first 2 pages of the Parent's most recent income tax return. You can upload the tax return in the online application, or email it to Joe Duffy at joe.duffy@musicfoundationnaples.org.

Complete Application Online
How to create a PDF
Please reach out to Betty Pursley or Cathy Pflieger if you would like to get more information on our LEAP Program.
Betty Pursley, LEAP Program Coordinator
Email: bettypursley312@gmail.com
Phone: (239) 682-3516

Want more information?
Income Eligibility
July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services sets the household size and income guidelines for free and reduced-price meals or free milk for those students unable to pay the full price for meals or milk served under the National School Lunch, School Breakfast, and Special Milk Programs. We use these income thresholds when determining eligibility for our programs. We will also take into consideration other family circumstances, such as healthcare issues and special needs dependents.