Dear MFGN Students & Parents,
So far this year, we have provided over $55,000 for private lessons to our Students, and we expect to incur an additional $15,000 through the Summer months. Nearly 30% of our financial support comes from Foundations, who are requiring information about the Students we serve. By having this information, we will be able to secure our existing funding and hopefully, expand it further.
Please help me. We need this information by Friday, May 10th in order to submit our applications for grant money. Without this information, we may not be successful in our quest for funds. This process is very competitive.
You can help by completing the survey below. I am also asking for a copy of your Quarter 3 grades and the first 2 pages of your most recent Federal tax return. You can upload that information below, or email it to me. When creating these documents, please make a PDF (see video below for help.)
Why do we need copies of grades and taxes? The Foundations who support us place a higher value on information that is verified. This information will not be shared, and you are welcome to redact Social Security Numbers. Identifiable individual information will not be shared; only summary and/or anonymized aggregate data.
If you have any questions, please reach out to me by email or by phone.
I am truly grateful for your support!
How to make a PDF using the Adobe Scan app.
NOTE: This video was originally created for our Scholarship Competition, but the process is the same for this request.