Sansom Foundation Award Application
The Sansom Foundation has been in operation since 1958. The Foundation focuses on music and the arts. High school students from Collier County, Bonita Springs and Estero will be eligible to compete for the Sansom Award. The Award will permit the winners to receive private music lessons for one year with a teacher selected by the Music Foundation of Greater Naples. The award may be renewed one year at a time based on the Sansom Committee’s assessment of the student’s progress and the recommendation of his or her private teacher.
Rules & Regulations:
The award is intended for high school students whose families cannot afford private music lessons. However, private lessons in the past will not eliminate the candidate.
The Sansom Program is a “needs based” award for families within incomes of $50,000 or less. Parents must provide a copy of the first 2 pages of your most recent income tax return. You are welcome to redact Social Security numbers and other personal identifiable information prior to submitting your tax return.
Students must also provide a copy of their grades from their most recently completed school year.
In addition to the application a personal essay about what “Music means to them and how they expect the Sansom Award will benefit them” must also be submitted. Students’ are required to participate in an audition that is scheduled for September 14, 2024. The audition solo should not exceed 4 minutes. No accompaniment is required. You can play/sing a short solo of your choice or a piece of music that you are presently working on in your school music ensemble.
Key Dates:
Application, Recommendation Letter, and Essay are due to the Sansom Chairman by September 9, 2024. You do not have to send the check list.
Auditions are on Saturday, September 14, 2024 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm at Gulf Coast High School
All selected applicants will be notified by email of their specific audition time, no later than Monday, September 11, 2024. Please call Cathy Pflieger at 239-450-4035 if you do not receive the notification.
The winners will be notified by email no later than Friday, September 16.
The decision of the judges is final. Private lessons for the winners will start in September or October 2024.

Completed application - either online or print and mail (see below).
Music Teacher's letter of recommendation - in PDF format to upload below.
Student personal essay in PDF format to upload below. The essay should address why is having music in my life important, and how will this award be beneficial to you.`
A copy of the Students grades from the most recently completed school year.
Be prepared to perform a short selection, no more than 3 minutes in length. No accompaniment is required. Applicants must provide one original score and two evaluation copies of their music for the judges on the competition day. The evaluation copies will be destroyed by the Music Foundation. No copies will be made at the audition site.
There will be no registration fee for this award competition.
Applicants must dress appropriately for the audition. Girls should wear knee length or longer dresses/skirts or dress pants. Boys should wear a shirt, tie and dress pants and shoes. No jeans, athletic wear, or sandals. School concert music uniform is also acceptable.
The first 2 pages of the Parent's most recent income tax return. You can upload the tax return in the online application, or email it to Cathy Pflieger (
If you are having difficulty with the online application, you can download and print the application and mail it to:
Cathy Pflieger, Sansom Committee Chairman
Music Foundation of Greater Naples
3722 Pino Vista Way, Unit 2
Estero, FL 33928
You can also email all forms via attachments to